Friday, June 3, 2011

Getting Closer

This race is creeping up closer and closer! I think there are only 2 more weeks of training before I taper for the race---WHAT? That scares me. This past weekend was Memorial weekend so I tried to fit in some long workouts. On Sunday it was hot and windy but I set out with some friends and we rode 50 miles. The last 15 felt really long because of the wind. We stopped to refill water bottles a couple times and thank goodness we did. I drank a lot of Ironman Perform and water as well as ate two gels and a 1/2 of a cliff bar. I was tired when we were done and hungry, but so glad I went to the distance. Then Monday morning (memorial day) I got up early (what's new) and ran 5 miles and then went to Morse Reservoir to swim with some people on the NASTI swim team. We swam 2 miles! It was my longest open water swim and it was tough but I made it through and now I know I can swim 1.2:)

These early morning workouts have become a normal thing for me and I love getting the workout out of the way early in the day, but man 4:30am SUCKS! I drag my sleepy self out of bed and straight downstairs because I always have all of my stuff laid out down there so I am not shuffling around upstairs. Paul might kill me if I woke a kid up before 5am! I am not sure if I mentioned in my last post, but I needed to do a 2 hour run and we had a lot going on that day and it was supposed to storm later in the day so I got up at 4:15 and was running by 445am in the dark! I ran 12.5 miles before 7am, it was so weird. But again I got it done and was able to do all the other things that needed to be done that day, just a little slower.

I actually feel very ready for this race. The only thing that is scaring me is the long run after the bike in the heat. I have done long bike rides and long runs, but not in the extreme heat that is a real possibility on July 9th in Indiana:) I am really excited to do the race and also pretty excited for it to be over.

I want to give another shout out to my husband Paul---without him all this craziness would be impossible. He often has the kids by himself way more then he ever has and he rarely if ever complains...:)

I am sure there is more to report, but I got up at 5am to swim a mile in Morse and I am feeling sleepy!

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