Sunday, January 8, 2012

Week One of Marathon training

I just finished my first week of training for my first full marathon. Being me, I signed up for a May marathon that has a lot of hills in Cincinnati OH. That means not only will I be training in the cold and dark months of the year, but I will need to run hills! Bleh! BUT I am not going for speed, only for completion and I also want to finish the marathon and be ready to start Tri season in May. Anyway, my first week of training is under my belt and it was good! I am following a Novice program that allows for 4 running days, 2 rest days and 1 cross training day. I am planning to do 4 running days, 2 cross train days, and 1 rest day to be ready for Triathlon season:) Can't let my swimming and biking suffer too much. This week I did 3 3 mile runs and 1 6.5 mile run. I felt good on all of them and we had great weather this week, so that helped! Paul is training for the same marathon and so most days of the week one of us is setting an alarm and heading out to run in the dark and the cold. We both have lots of reflective gear, road ID, and headlamps:) I am off, Paul needs to head out on his run for the day!