Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Almost time to start...

my 20 week training program! I have been working out these past few weeks trying to up my endurance and get back in the swing of swimming, biking, and running. I have joined a swim team called the NASTI's (Noblesville Adult Swim Team of Indiana) and so far so good. Within thats swim team there is a Tri team called the TRI NASTI's. They swim at a high school a number of times a week and then on Sunday's as the weather gets better we will run or bike after the swim workout. The workouts are tough! The members are great swimmers and have been giving me some tips on my form to improve my speed which is much needed! Last Sunday I swam with the team (we swim for an hour all doing the same workout that someone prints out and puts at the top of each lane) and then I ran four miles outside with a couple of the TRI NASTI was cold--probably about 20 degrees! I felt good though.

Anyway all the women on the team have gotten together to order Tri tops with the team logo on them, its fun to be around other people who are training for the same event as me or similar events. They don't think all my working is crazy---some of them work out way more then I do.

In a couple weeks my training program officially starts, which will be hard, but nice to have a specific workout schedule to follow. I know I won't be able to do every workout every time, but it will be nice to have a guide.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Running and Gear

I have been running a lot lately, because its my go-to exercise and its so easy to get out the door and run. Its been very cold though and snowy too, which makes it more challenging at times, but still feels very good when I am done. Friday I ran three miles with Luna (our 9 month old Husky) and it was snowing lightly and very pretty. Today I ran 6 miles. I layered and was warm enough and had a good run!

On to gear...Triathlons require some gear, some you can do without, and some is just fun to have! Paul and I are going to invest in a Garmin GPS/heart rate watch. We both run enough even when not training for an event that we will get a lot of use out of this. It will be cool to be able to train knowing my heart rate because I don't want to be anaerobic and I don't want to go too easy either. I am excited to get it and start using it. My aunt Jaquelin is a big biker and swimmer and runner and is going to let me borrow some gear including a helmet ( I have a helmet, but its pretty beat up and falling apart), some bike shorts, and some tri tops! YAY! I have a bike I bought from my neighbor and of course I have goggles, a cap, and suit.

Monday, January 3, 2011

First Swim of many...

I swam today for the first time in months. I like swimming, I don't know why I don't do it more for exercise. I think its the whole getting wet and cold and having to bring a change of clothes, etc every time. Anyway, the training program I am following is 18 weeks, but I have about 26 weeks until my race, so I am following the program, but not doing the whole amount yet. Today called for 45 min and 45 min run. I swam 40 min and ran 30. I need to figure out if I can split workouts into two times a day when I don't have the time to devote to one long workout. It felt great to swim again and I shared a lane with an Indy SwimFit coach (a group of swimmers you can join in Indy) and she said my stroke looked great and I was smooth in the water! It was nice to hear. Then I ran on the treadmill...slow...I should have eaten a banana before my swim or an energy bar because I was hungry during the run.

And all the people at the gym made it hard to get a treadmill...New Year's Resolutions are great and all, but for the people who work out all the time all year round---its annoying! I like the gym a little less crowded;)