Thursday, December 30, 2010

Frustration fuels good run!

Its Winter Break from preschool which means that we are home with a lot of time on our hands. It also means all the other schools are out and every place we normally frequent is packed. So...yesterday was a long day and Josie was upset about something I wasn't doing to her liking during Maggie's nap and while throwing a fit she managed to wake Maggie up less then an hour into her nap. I was at a loss as to how to fill the afternoon, so we headed to the Y for me to work out. They both like the child watch there, especially Maggie. I hopped on a treadmill and blasted my ipod (with a new workout mix all set to go) and I ran 5 miles in 50 minutes, not super fast, but I pumped up the speed a few times during certain songs I like to run to. I felt good the whole time and was in a better mood after the run! So moral of the story, sometimes a long day can lead to a good workout:)


  1. Awesome!!!! What a great run, just sorry it was a rough days. Hallelujah for the child care, right?

    Also, I hope you don't mind if I added your blog to my new blog...thanks!!

  2. Stephanie! I am so proud of you for training for a triathlon! I just joined a gym and I am all about the frustration runs... you are going to keep me inspired to go to the gym!
