Monday, May 16, 2011

First open water swim of the season and a new wetsuit!

I got a new wetsuit (for Mother's Day) HA! Most people wouldn't be excited about that, but I was! I researched and talked to friends and ended up getting a really good deal on a sleeveless wetsuit. When I first tried it in our living room it was so tight around my neck and so uncomfortable I thought I would rip the thing off right away. I was able to pull it off but barely. Fast forward to Sunday morning. It was raining---of course! Every Sunday it rains which is the only day I have to do a long workout since I work on Saturday's. And I swear every Saturday is nice!

Anyway, it was raining and supposed to rain all day and only about 50 degrees but I had this whole thing planned out. An open water swim, a 35 mile bike, and a run after that. So luckily I have some friends who are just as nuts as me and stuck it out rain and all. My wetsuit was awesome. In the water it felt perfect. I swam about a mile and felt great. It was quiet and peaceful. I am finding more and more how much I like swimmming...even in the rain and cold and in the open water.

We got out of the water and changed for the bike. I was freezing. I biked to meet the others and got very wet and muddy, but warmer! Then we biked about 35 miles while it was raining the whole time. I didn't love riding in the rain, but I am glad I did it. Then we ran three miles. I fueled a lot and felt good the whole time. My body needs a lot of liquid and solids while I work out to keep feeling good. I had breakfast, then a gel after the swim, a clif bar on the bike ride, tons of water and Ironman Perform while riding, and another gel before the run!

I will be doing more full bricks since this race is creeping up very quickly, like 7 weeks away! YIKES!


  1. Sounds like you are on your way. I am looking to do the Howling Half in Jackson MO in September. I am finishing up the olympic plan and next week I am switching to's half IM plan.

    Glad the wet suit worked out and it is funny how we triathletes have different ideas of what a good present is. I got socks for x-mas and was super excited. Good luck!

  2. Howdy. A tip on the wetsuit-if the neck feels tight, cut a V notch into it. I think it makes wetsuits more comfortable, even if it doesn't feel too tight. Did you use body glide on calves to be able to take it on and off quickly? There's also a spray I like to use, but I can't remember the name--it's a silicone spray. The great thing with swimming is it doesn't matter if it rains!
    Keep up the training!!
