This past Sunday I did another brick workout. It went really well:) I met with some friends who have all known each other for a long time and they nicely have taken me into their group to train for the Muncie half ironman. They all have nicknames for each other and now I have one. "Park Tudor" is my new nickname. Anyway, the weather was supposed to be hot with a chance of storms in the afternoon. But as we drove to the swim spot a storm was fast we waited out a storm before getting into the water. The water was COLD!! the dock thermometer read 48 degrees, so we were thankful for our wetsuits. We swam a mile and I swam it in about 35 minutes which I was happy with:) As we finished the swim another storm rolled in. The owners of the house (which is a gorgeous house right on Geist) gave us all a shot of whiskey!! Ha!
We yanked off our wetsuits and loaded up on our bikes for a 43 mile ride! It went very well too. There was some lightening and thunder but it moved away from us, thankfully! I stuck with the other two women and we had a good ride together. Again I fueled my body the whole time with powerbar gels (chocolate) and a cliff bar as well as ironman perform. We finished the ride and one other person and I did a 4 mile run. I was good on the run but it was hot!
Again I know I did a good job fueling my body but I am scared for the run part of the race. It's going to be all mental for me at that point because chances are its going to be really really hot so I just have to make sure to fuel well while on the bike and take the run slow and steady. The race is quickly approaching which scares the crap out of me!! In about 6 weeks the race will be upon me. In three weeks we actually start tapering which is crazy to me but I have been following this program religiously and from what people have told me it's really important to taper for this type of race. This week and next week are still pretty intense in the training including at least 2 more bricks and a few long runs!
Stay tuned...
Congrats on sticking to your training. It is so tough at times to force yourself to keep going, but it will be worth it. I am a little nervous about the swim, but I am sure it will get worked out with time.